
Hahaha! Finally my exam left 3 days! Then I can go relax with my friends! X)

I set my target a bit high ...

Maybe I want to win someone ... X)

My target :

1. Chinese - 60%

2. BM - 60%

3. BI - 70%

4. Math - 55%

5. Physics - 60%

6. Geo - 65%

7. Sej - 50%

8. Geo(CHI) - 55%

9. Sej(CHI) - 50%

10. Science - 80%

11. KH - 60%

Monday had science exam !

Someone wanted to challange with me !

That's a imposible person ..

No one knows who ! X)

Nvm, I keep as a secret .. xD

When I won him, I will tell everyone the person ! xD

So, everyone GAMBATEH ya ! :D

Gotta go for my dinner now ..!

Bye ~ (:

Hope you all have a great day ! :D